To get back to basics so you can better (re)discover your true self
What is bivouacking? It is, quite literally, a temporary and rather basic camp that you set up for one night, from sunset to sunrise.
But for us, it's so much more.
It's about setting off to find the spot with the best view so you can fully enjoy your morning rendez-vous with the rising sun.
It's about appreciating the simple things like preparing a meal over a camp stove and warming up your fingers over the flame.
It's about relishing the cosiness of a rudimentary bed under a star-studded ceiling.
It's about experiencing both the power of the elements and the fragility of natural spaces.
Bivouacking is a chance to reconnect with what really matters and by providing our customers with the necessary equipment, we do our utmost to ensure you enjoy a comfortable, hassle-free experience.